There are key elements of an optimized website design that will enhance the user experience:
Help them get oriented: When new visitors arrive on your website, they’re wondering, “Where am I?” A confused visitor is a poor prospect. So you should help them get oriented right away and show them how to navigate your website.
Make it quick and easy to move around: As a rule of thumb, see that they can hop over to any page on your site with no more than 3 clicks (the fewer, the better).
Don’t over-optimize: Google recommends building pages for users, not search engines. Over-optimizing your site by loading it with keywords can disrupt the user experience, and cost you sales.
Help them get oriented: When new visitors arrive on your website, they’re wondering, “Where am I?” A confused visitor is a poor prospect. So you should help them get oriented right away and show them how to navigate your website.
Make it quick and easy to move around: As a rule of thumb, see that they can hop over to any page on your site with no more than 3 clicks (the fewer, the better).
Don’t over-optimize: Google recommends building pages for users, not search engines. Over-optimizing your site by loading it with keywords can disrupt the user experience, and cost you sales.
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